Monday 15th November, Yin Yoga, 7pm - 8.30pm GMT

Monday 15th November, Yin Yoga, 7pm - 8.30pm GMT


These practices are free for those of you that need them to be. Just send me an email.

Book this practice

7pm - 8.30pm

Yin Yoga is a journey that asks us to feel the way our individual bodies move rather than think our way into Asana. With long holds and deep stretches, the practise allows us to stretch beyond muscle and reach the very depth of our individual bodies where we have the potential to uncover and recover the body’s natural range of movement.

When we let go of the need to be a shape or to confirm to other people’s ideas of what we should look like, how things should be moving, we are free to respond authentically where we can be completely ourselves which is the very definition of freedom that is the practise of Yoga.