
In this workshop, I will share with you the foundations of The Five Element system, the principle of The One and how The One becomes five - The Five Movements. This practical framework, describes the simple yet graceful laws of nature that can be used to understand why you can’t fall asleep, where you sit within the dynamics of your family or in understanding your relationship.

The patterns of movements we see and feel around us and each of the phase’s individual qualities are referring to not just what we can see in a garden, but in our own body, mind and emotions. These are tools for self-understanding, assisting everyone in the observation of what sometimes seems a little out of reach or even hidden. After an introduction to the theory behind this way of viewing the world and our own worlds, we will explore one phase within the movements in more depth through Asana practice. We will finish with time for those wishing to attend the training, the opportunity to ask questions.

Book this Workshop

I can not stress enough, this course is for everybody much-like all the practices that I guide. You do not have to be a Yoga teacher or want to be one to attend. You do not need to want to do the training to attend this workshop. You need only a curiosity and a willingness to explore, whilst deepening your own understanding of how you can use The Five Elements system to view and understand all aspects of your life. Expect some theory that can set us on the path so during Asana practice, we can work to individually bring the theory to life so we can feel it for ourselves. Spaces on this workshop are limited and to avoid confusion, this is a workshop that is detailing the course I am hosting in May.

Whether we are a Yoga teacher or not, you know the resistance of being visible and the cost of being invisible. How do you recognise and inhabit the place of true meaning not only in the practise of Yoga, but in yourself and your own life and would you like to explore ways to inspire this freedom in your own body, relationships or your students lives and bodies?

The Five Movements Yin Yoga Teacher training much like individual bodies, is a framework for a life as a liberated teacher and student filled with purpose. A mirror to the Tao, this training will help you illuminate your own path, offering a system that can allow you a way to enter your practise life with a route of unlimited potentials and choices

On this training, you will learn how to navigate different bodies, a changing body and life with integrity in the various seasons of ones life by learning how to address individuality and modern life in an integrated practise.

The Tao encourages us to be in touch with our own selves, particularly our deepest selves, because when you know who you really are, that is when you discover peace.  Do you want to feel this for yourself and then learn how to share that method? Based on the natural movements we see all around us in the patterns of the seasons, these patterns and aspects of nature can remind us of qualities we connect to, the resilient trees, the joyful spring flowers and the steady mountains growing out of the earth.

Taoism is the notion that the unnameable way of things is such because it includes all things and trying to define this would only limit its meaning but is such because it include everything. Nothing is left out of this. The true meaning of Tao can not be described only felt. 

Would you like to learn the art of teaching experience that is rooted in theory with an ability to bring this theory to life in any body, accessible to everybody in modern life?

In this workshop I will share with you the fundamentals of The Dao, Yin Yang theory, how the one becomes two, two become three and three become five from which the ten thousand things flourish. I will unpack the basic theory of the phases  but focus our attention on one phase. Learn about the mind body heart connection through feeling it for yourself with the skills and confidence to take this out into the world and share it, be that in classes or with your communities.

Join me on this two hour workshop Saturday March 19th 5.30pm - 7.30pm. You will need nothing other than your attention, curiosity and a willingness to challenge you current perceptions.