nature changes the way we experience ourselves
At the beginning of each season, there is an introductory video that clarifies the phase in which we are entering.
This unfolds the body, mind and spirit and the whole.
This introduction presents the organs that are most active within this stage of the cycle, the way Qi behaves at this point within the whole process and how this can be understood in terms of moods and emotions.
There is an Asana practice video that unravels the movement of the body by delving into one (sometimes two) of the Archetypal postures along with.two Meditations and two Pranayama practices.
Typically, each movement spans for a period of three months with the exception of Late Summer which is a much shorter season. As we move through the year, live classes will explore many aspects associated with the current conditions from both Indian and Chinese thinking and Yin-Side, you have access to these again and again for the entire season.
It is important that what we explore together remains in and of the moment and so at the end of each phase, a small number of past classes are added to the library that remains and your are able to access these anytime. The recordings we say farewell to will be replaced by the new season of classes.
About The members area
Access to all LIVE PRACTIsEs
As a member, you will be able to attend all of the 11 live online classes each month.
replay past practises
If you miss a live class or wish to repeat the practise, you will have access to all the recordings within that 3 months phase.
Practise anytime and cancel at anytime
delve deeper
Explore tools and techniques be that of Asana, Pranayama and Meditation that take us right to the heart of learning.